
We’re glad you are here.

Welcome to One Church OKC. We are a church full of people who are either growing in our faith or just beginning to ask questions about God. Our desire is to start, grow and love together as a community of imperfect people.

What to Expect

Here are some things to expect during the service.


Together we sing songs of praise to God. Putting Jesus at the core of our thoughts honors Him and gives us purpose and direction.


During prayer time, we are invited to pray at our seats, worship, as we present our praises and requests to the Lord.


A teaching pastor preaches a message from the Word of God.


Bread and juice is given to us as reminders of Christ’s sacrifice. We eat the bread and drink the juice after a quiet moment of reflection and prayer.


Offering baskets are distributed during the service so that we have an opportunity to give financially as an expression of our gratitude to God. (There is also an option to give electronically on the Facebook or the One Church OKC website.


You’re invited to come as you are!  Most of us tend to wear comfortable, casual clothing.


We offer free coffee, tea and water at the wall near the coffee counter. If you prefer something a little fancier or even a cold beverage, We have a pop machine with drinks available for purchase. Feel free to take your beverage with you into the Worship Center.

Welcome Home One Church,

With so many unknowns and the challenges that COVID-19 has brought this country and the world, the one known that we as Christians have to hold strong to is “that God is still and always will be in control and His will, will be done”. We may wonder what God is trying to teach us and as I have found throughout my Christian walk is that although many may face the same challenges, God speaks to us on a personal basis. Whether He’s trying to teach us that we know so little, how little we have control over things, how insecure we can be when we fail to rely on God first or how precious the combined body of Christ is “His Church”. One thing that I have learned whether in the work place or at church, it’s not about me, it’s what God has called of me in serving others. So when we do things we should always be mindful of those around us. We will be making some adjustments in how we serve communion and collect the tithes and offerings* We will be continuing to post the service on face book so that those that are in the high risk group can stay home and continue to worship with the church until things are safer for those to get out and about* ABOVE ALL – IF YOU ARE NOT FEELING WELL, PLEASE STAY HOME AND JOIN US AT A LATER DATE The leadership of One Church is looking forward to getting the One Church family back together in worshiping and praising our HEAVENLY FATHER and LORD and SAVIOR.