Serving Opportunities

Please look over the general categories below and select one that you think might fit you best.      

Connections Team
First impressions are often lasting. We need friendly faces and helpful hands on the front line to represent One Church OKC and the body of Christ to the those who visit on a weekly basis.      

There are so many ways you can help the Children’s Ministry that will suit your skills and talents. Working with ages birth through fifth grade will always be a rewarding experience!      

Worship and Video
We want our weekend service to run smoothly as we glorify God through worshiping as a community. Whether you thrive behind the scenes or by sharing your musical gifts with the church, we have a place for you.      

Find Where You Fit
If you want to serve where we currently have the highest demand for volunteers, we appreciate your willingness to be flexible. Or if you want to serve, but don’t see a good fit for you among our listed categories, we can find a place for you! We will connect with you to find out where we can best use your talents and abilities.

If you want to serve where there is highest demand for volunteers, we appreciate your willingness to be flexible. Or if you would like to serve, but don’t see a good fit among our listed categories, We can find a place for you! We will connect with you to find where we can best use your talents and abilities.