


  • John 3:3, 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
  • Willingness to be a servant to the congregation
  • Be in agreement with and be prepared to abide by the Statement of Faith as defined in the One Church OKC by-laws
  • Be open to encouragement and be teachable
  • Be a member of One Church OKC for a minimum of one year prior to appointment


Though not an exhaustive list, these are some of the responsibilities of the Elders at One Church OKC.

  • Spiritual oversight and direction to the people of One Church OKC by being a servant leader and shepherd
    (Mark 9:35, Acts 20:28-31, John 13:12-17)
  • Prepared to teach, speak and pray in public settings as needed
  • Lead by example in hospitality and integrity
  • Be a servant to those in need
  • Pray for the church, especially those who call upon the elders
  • Help those who need good counsel and godly wisdom
  • Encourage and assist the staff as needed

Elders serve for a term of three years and do not serve for more than two consecutive terms.